To ensure a successful sale, effective marketing and advertising is important. The advertisement makes the first connection between you and the buyer, so you must make it attractive, short, clear and honest.

Here are few tips to help create an ad with impact

Publication channels

Use popular websites and newspapers to publish your ad. Do not pay for expensive advertisements for the car because it’s a used product and can easily be advertised using internet and social media for free.

Car’s condition

Make sure you report the car’s condition honestly and do not over emphasize the car’s plus points in a bid to hide the faults. Give a full description, i.e. make and model, registration year, condition of interior and exterior parts, colour, mileage etc.

Car photography

sell-car Always take pictures of your car from all angles as more you are honest in showing the car the better chances you have to sell this fast. Also buyers are attracted to cars with pictures. Before taking the pictures make sure the car is clean and it is parked with right background. You can learn more about how to take used car pictures with UK’s leading car magazine. Secondly, take realistic pictures of your car and do not digitally enhance the shots to make the vehicle look better. There are plenty of options to do this in a digital camera, but you must avoid doing that and just show the car the way it actually is. Potential buyers will be disappointed if they don’t see the same car in the flesh. With internet ads, make sure you show as much of the car as possible. Pictures are worth their weight in gold when advertising a used car. Clear and sharp photos will provide a better impression than a written description alone – and the more the better.

Focus on the following areas

Highlight the front of the car in your ad. Other angles should include Exterior: Front, both sides and back Interior: Front and back seats and dashboard Wheels and tyres Boot space Engine

Important items

Number of previous owners Last service date Service history: dates, how often it was serviced etc. Recent car improvements e.g. installation of any equipment or new tyres. Changes to the interiors, such as leather etc. Changes to the exteriors, such as headlights, fog lights etc. Current parked location Registration time left Warranty time left Reason you are selling it Is it an urgent sale? If you will let the test person drive the car, how far can they go? Your availability for test drives or inspection Any other attractive features you wish to mention.

Contact details

Mention your mobile number Mention your email, but choose the option of hiding your email address if you can. By this, potential buyers can send you an email, but spammers cannot.