Luckily, shipping a motorcycle is a lot easier than shipping a vehicle, so you have an advantage there. However, it is still important to know exactly how to prepare a motorcycle before you ship it to its destination. Whether you have moved to a new country or are shipping a motorcycle to a customer overseas, learning the proper way to prepare a motorcycle for the freight process is imperative. The last thing you want is for your motorcycle to be damaged during the delivery route. When it comes to motorcycles, one disadvantage is that most of the delicate mechanical parts are exposed, which makes them especially vulnerable. Here are some motorcycle shipping and transport tips.

- Cover the engine and any other vulnerable mechanical components. A motorcycle shipping company, like Heritage Motorcycle Shipping, will probably take measures to do this for you, but it wouldn’t hurt to simply do it yourself before you ship. All you need is some soft plastic – you can usually pick up a roll or two from a home supply shop. Simply cut out some sheets of plastic and wrap your engine – you probably want to use one or two layers. Don’t take off the tires. Many people think they have to remove the tires of their motorcycle before they ship, but this often unnecessary. In fact, removing the tires could actually cause damage to your vehicle. Most motorcycle shipping carriers use the tires to fasten your bike to specially created pallets. Plus, shipping motorcycles standing up is much more efficient and economical than shipping them on their side. Plus, if you had to ship your motorcycle on its side, it would require a big box, which could be more expensive to ship.
- Remove any accouterments. If you have any accessories hanging off your motorcycle, like a trunk box, extra seat or side baskets, you want to remove them and ship them separately. Not only will these items cause your shipping rates to skyrocket – it may also cause damage to your motorcycle. This is especially the case with structural accouterments, like extended visors and mirrors.
- Clean your motorcycle thoroughly before you ship. Not only do you want to have a nice clean motorcycle when it finally gets to your destination or your customer – you also don’t want dust and debris to cause damage to your motorcycle during the freight process. So, make sure that you clean the motorcycle thoroughly. If you are shipping a dirt bike, you want to make sure to clean the dirt and mud off the tire tread.