Kawasaki and Yamaha are both Japanese companies, operating in different fields such as mechanics, electronics, as well as other fields such as musical instruments for Yamaha. They were founded in 1878 and 1889 respectively. But what was there before motorcycles?

The Kawasaki and Yamaha companies

Kawasaki started out making locomotives and steam and turbine engines, while Yamaha started out with musical instruments. During World War II, Kawasaki produced airplanes, aircraft carriers, and submarines, and Yamaha produced helicopter airplanes for the Japanese army. As economic growth increased after the war, both companies diversified. And a few years later, around 1953 and 1954, the development of a motorcycle brand.

Kawasaki motorcycles

The development of new technology has enabled the Kawasaki engine to design a system that allows the rider to shift up or down gears without cutting the throttle, and therefore without having to press the clutch lever. This technology optimizes the acceleration of the motorcycle, making Kawasaki one of the best references in motorcycle brands, and a symbol of performance. Kawasaki motorcycles are equipped with cruise control, which reduces rider fatigue by maintaining speed over long distances. Dual injectors that intervene at different levels of engine speed, starting assistance for motocross bikes, and a power mode that can be selected to adapt engine performance.

Yamaha motorcycles

Yamaha motorcycles, for their part, have always been characterized by the combination of design and technical features that underline their particularities. Their slogan is "touching you heart", and their aim is to touch the hearts of customers by creating the feeling of wanting to own a Yamaha. Yamaha motorcycles have made a great contribution to the motorcycle industry through its mastery of the two-stroke engine, an engine still in production at this motorcycle brand, and its high-tech four-stroke engines. Two-stroke motorcycles that can be found on scooters and maxi-scooters. And four-stroke engines that have the particularity of being tilted forward, at 45°, to lower the bike's centre of gravity, offering more admissions on more linear roads. Engines that contribute to the style of the bike.